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hey i edited my profile to my needs, and i put my website URL in it, but whenevr i look at one of my messages it goes like this
is there something wron or im a even spossed to do tat??
BTW, go to my message in the HELP forum that says TEXTRUN


I am a new person to verge People i like.. mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian and a few other poor souls

Posted on 2000-11-10 15:15:42


You'll need to include the full url of your website. This means your url should be "" minus the quotes. The http:// is needed.


Posted on 2000-11-10 15:30:02


You need to put http:// in front of your homepage url in your Profile.

- vecna

Posted on 2000-11-10 15:31:16

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