Is there a way for me to get all the tutorials and docs, and pretty much all the written stuff from vergesource?
I know, it says tats going to make a zip of it, but I would like to get my hands on them a.s.a.p.
they're needed in my plan to take over the world.
so if you know how to get them, mail me, or post, then I will promply say thank you, and then kill you to keep my secret plan from being unfurled.
I'm going to make a verge, its going to be called Verge: ITLUYATSBOVOTOOAOCDTTKHTPIV, it will stand for 'Verge: Impossible to learn unless you are The Speed Bump or Vecna or Tatsumi Oreo or a cool Developement team that knows how to program in Verge' :)
Posted on 2001-07-05 05:06:39