Question for The Bump. All good Juju ;p
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Just one quick question, I know you had to code your newest engine with a new syntax program instead of the old VC, so I just had to ask if one of your original modifications was still going to be intact. Will your newest engine still allow for .IT files to be played? Or more specifically, those .IT files made by converting MP3's to .WAV through Winamp, then loaded into ModPlug Tracker to turn those .WAV's into .IT's. Thanks for your time, and may the Juju be with you.

~Blade Dragon

Posted on 2001-06-12 12:32:52


Do you have any idea how big a mp3-wav-it would be?!? It boggles the mind really.

- choris

Posted on 2001-06-12 13:14:57


Not to flame (I really have no bad intentions), b ut that process sounds rediculous. Any way, if you were so intent on doing that why don't you just load the wavs into another format (xm, mod, ect.)...of course I know nothing of the newest engine so I may be making a fool of myself.

Posted on 2001-06-12 17:15:03


euhm.... probably.

I didn't change much of anything else when I ditched VC for Python, so the rest of the engine's internals are more or less unchanged, with the single exception that resource handling changed to reflect Python's garbage-collected nature. (instead of having free methods, you just toss a resource and Python will know that it needs to be freed)

v2.7 uses MikMod for audio, the same engine used to play MOD music in WinAmp. So if it plays in winamp, chances are it'll play in v2.7. ^_~

And... uh... those IT files would be huge. O_o; (10+ MB each)

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-06-12 18:18:15

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