This was just a quick question that needed answering so that I could map out all of my different music changes, because I have a LOT of music for my game. How is V2.6 at handling music loading/stopping/fading? I have only ever used V1 before, and V1 would always crash from time to time when loading music, which made choosing music very difficult. I'm especially talking about music that can come spontaneously... like walking into a bar causing the music to stop and change automatically swiftly, then going to exit the bar and step back into the town. Knowing how people play games, this could be done many, many times due to a short memory span of where they need to be. Also, I planned on other music playing when in certain buildings, and so forth, so it's a question that needs answerin. Thanks all!
Oh, and one other question, I've never attempted this, but I was just curious... Does this message board still support hypertext links, and so forth? Can I use HTML to show pictures in these messages still, or did that disappear with the new board look?
~ Blade Dragon
Posted on 2001-01-09 14:58:47
The music system in v2.6 is as stable as it gets, in my experience. If MIDAS chokes on a MOD, it'll bitch onscreen, but it won't crash.
Fading is quite possible. Just tweak the music_volume variable. It goes from 0 to 255.
This board doesn't let HTML through, nope. But you still have to use &lp and &gt in place of < and >.
'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald
Posted on 2001-01-09 15:06:19
Well, the board does allow <i>, and other formatting tags though. Soon, it allow <img> and <a> tags as well (I just need to code the javascript protection in). Not a big deal, but I thought I'd mention it.
Posted on 2001-01-09 15:45:43