Runs in 100% real time. It's always your turn!
Up to 30 enemies, of 20 types, each type with custom attack animations, sounds, etc. Each wanders, hunts you, or attacks at will. (what little will I gave them)
Also multiple attack/reload/misc animations for the player.
This is open source, use, abuse, or refuse it at will. :-)
This zip shows 1 enemy type (rev:tmp's Prowler) and three weapons' attack animations for Elza (press space to change weapon.
This will be updated as we add things to rev:tmp, like more animations, and better (read some) AI.
Note that this was 'hacked' out of rev:tmp, and is not meant to represent it's actual gameplay.
Please tell me what you like/don't like/would change/would like added/whatever. Especially if the .chrs show up with purple boxes around them, as I've had one person say.
"How many rocks are there, in the whole world?"
Posted on 2001-01-04 23:40:16
I have to tell you, every time I play your demos, I keep crying when I look at my own. :p I know Resident Evil will win some kind of Nobel Prize or something in the Verge Community. ^_^ Maybe it's time to break out the nude pics of Mia from my Dark Savant again to give you as a reward or something. Or at least present the award. Keep up the good work, and let me know when you make an official release.
~Blade Dragon
"Well, that's an easy answer. You take the number of trees in the world, divide it by the number of bees and birds, and then add in the commonly overlooked feature of how many guys have girlfriends who claim they have some in their head. :p"
Posted on 2001-01-06 16:13:40