Resolution and DOS problems.
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I recently downloaded Verge Engine v.2 and a few tech demos, for designing on my pathetic excuse of a laptop (four years since, 486) and, considering it working under DOS to be a good thing, tried it. When I try to run any engine in 320x200 or around it, the screen expericenes extreme overscan and part or all of the view is cut out. This is remedied by switching to 640x480, but my laptop runs incredibly slow and that and I consider the Display Doctor a very sorry and unreliable piece of software. Will games run at any resolution?; as I have messed with the code and cannot get it to work, or is at that they are designed for specific resolutions?
Also, when I try to run it in DOS-only mode, it crashes and mentions something along the line of or something like that. Is that an archive for libraries I'm missing, and, if so, where could I get it? Any help is much appreciated.

Posted on 2001-02-09 19:36:21


Well, v2.5 can run, sort of, on a 486. v2.6 is more or less out of the question though. The graphic problem is probably related to some sort of custom graphics board on your laptop. I used to have major problems with 320x240x65535 on my S3 chip before I upgraded.

Games can run at any resolution, but only the resolution that they were created for, unless the designer did some fancy coding to prepare multiple resolutions. is a protected mode memory thing or something. Not entirely clear on it, except that Windows handles it automatically, but in DOS, you have to provide the neccisary program. Search for it online, it's availible from most shareware archives.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-02-14 10:47:17

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