RPG Studio (evilbob please read)... Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.
This is really for evilbob...
I am by no means taking away any glory from VERGE (in fact, I'm going to promote it), but I am in the process of making a RPG thingy (exuse my lack of proper words). I was thinking of letting you know what it is going to do so that maby it can give you a few ideas to improve verge two too...
First of all, I plan to use MP3s (and MIDIs if you want) for the music, it will come with a character editor, and a map (and tile) editor. It will also be together in a GUI. The main difference between RPG Studio and VERGE2 is that it will have 'Battle Scripts' that you can make or, you can use a pre made one. For example:
You could have battles like the Final Fantasy games, or you could have battles like in Baldur's Gate II.
Just thought I'd drop in a line, and keep up the good work.
[Long live VeRgE2!]
Posted on 2000-12-12 15:45:49
you're most likely confusing me with vecna, aen, speedbump, or zero. they are more or less in charge of the various versions of verge. but, er, good luck anyway.
verge-rpg. it's not just a job, it's an enema.
Posted on 2000-12-12 16:01:01
oh sorry ;( [I'm being infected with a virus known as 'Windows' which is making me confused and causing a loss of bladder controll, oh god.. oh god... (Linux save me!)]
Posted on 2000-12-12 20:42:35
Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.