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a hem it has come to my attention ( boy that souds good) that i never figured out the following probs ( why you ask, just dont' ask)
first i use verge-2.5,

how do i switch maps and be loaded up at a certain coordinate?? IE i am down stairs, now i go upstairs but i am not at the stairs that are upstairs, the coordinates are X=12 Y=15,

could some one please respond to this message writing the, and scripts??

thank you all~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~` (fiesta!

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu the gerf people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-11 21:16:35


First: use Map(string map); to change maps

Second: put this in your
int PC; // Int to hold value of Player's index number

Third: Use a like this (and replace map with the name of the map.)

event // 0 Auto
palettemorph(0,0,0,0,63); /* Maybe you don't need this line with V2.5 */
PC = entityspawn(12,15,"Main.chr"); /* replace with the appropriate *.chr file and coords */
setplayer(PC); // gives control of the proper chr

Fourth: If you want to have two entrances/exits you can use a series of IF statments to choose the appropriate

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2000-11-12 00:27:12


a hme is there a way to do that out of the first event?
and put the stuff, and the, with no words in beteweem thank you...

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu the gerf people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-12 15:55:49

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