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I updated v2.7. Details on my page.

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-09-29 20:50:24


Does the font generator attatch extra formatting to the FNT file, or does the engine calculate the character sizes when it loads the font?


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-09-30 12:05:57


I'm not sure exactly what you're asking.

The fonts consist of an arbitrary number of arbitrarily sized bitmaps, each of which is a character in the font. The size of each is stored within the file itself.

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-09-30 16:42:16


Yeah, that's what I was asking.

See, if you use the Dump to PNG option, it spits out a single PNG formatted like the old V2 fixed width fonts, so I wasn't sure whether the new format was set up as you've indicated it is with internal size data, or whether the engine was calculating the size of each character by analyzing the non-zero pixels. (Which JL's old variable width font function did, so I thought it a possibility)


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-10-01 09:22:28

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