Silly Random Questions
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Hi. I used to be interested in verge along time ago,
and lately I have started tinkering with it again.

I have some silly questions I would like to ask.

Will VCC3 be like the other VCC programs (aka command
line compilers) or will it be more like a MSVC-style
thing? (personaly I don't realy mind ether) If VCC3
will be windows-based, will that mean that ALL v3 utils
will have a GUI?

Is it at all possable that v3 will let you have stucts
with VC code pointers?

Will their be support for multible sprite layers in v3?

Will you be able to scale CHR sprites in v3? I would
think not, but I might as well ask.

Just wondering.

Now I guess I will get back to the shadows now.

Posted on 2002-02-04 22:43:22


well, we don't currently HAVE a vcc3. since the compiler is embeddable, we just have it embedded in the engine, it compiles your scripts at startup and we never explicitly compile them. we will provide a command-line VCC tho in addition (you can disable the run-time compile) and it can be embedded in any other tools.

vcc3 has structs but I dont really know what you mean by code pointers. we don't have c++ * and & if thats what you mean, but hey, neither does java. ^_~

regarding chrs, there will be a way to hook the rendering of a specific entity, so that you can apply any number of special effects.


Posted on 2002-02-05 01:40:38


Can you declare a struct as a file handle? More importantly, can you declare "handles" to strings? Integer variables? Anything besides files?

Posted on 2002-02-05 06:04:23


*nt* subject line not long enough. wah. ;_;

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2002-02-05 08:25:55


I mean that you can have a varable like "enity.think"
in a struct that you can set to a function. I guess
thats more of a class thing anyway. Quake C did it. :P

Posted on 2002-02-05 13:07:15


If the code is not compilable, say I forget a semicolon, what will the EXE do?

It is faster and easier to damage something than it is to create or repair it. Isn't it?

Posted on 2002-02-05 14:50:57


Right now it just says 'error in compile step!' and then you check a logfile to see the specific error. at release it should give the specific error (in the messagebox)


Posted on 2002-02-05 17:49:46


You must be getting tired of answering questions, I know I would.

It is faster and easier to damage something than it is to create or repair it. Isn't it?

Posted on 2002-02-05 20:14:46


Quote: You must be getting tired of answering questions, I know I would.

I would disagree, I think the pre-release period is the most exciting in a developers life. Vecna's probably having the time of his life =)

Posted on 2002-02-11 20:31:05

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