sing a happy song (that sounds not good
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okok this is mt problem...
whenever i want to play a MOD for one of my games it sounds like (a fart actually (G)) okok the noise comes out as a machine guinish blipping... i have verge 2. something,.. and any info on this prob would be very nice and you can be on my people i like list in my profile (G)

"( whoa look at that!!")

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu the gerf people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-11 17:09:04


The V2 sound system blows, but still should be able to play a lot. Try other mods, chances are you've found a mod Verge isn't peachy with.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2000-11-12 00:18:22

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