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I've asked many people on IRC and still no one gives me an answer. You know the Pack-in demo that comes Verge 2.0 (not V2K+J) the demo where the Vecna chr. walks around the map that says "the world ends here" etc. Well, When I added a new chr. (Bakahito) and recompiled it, Bakahito was invisable BUT i could move him and not Vecna. I used Maped to put Baka on the map and he was chr. #6.

It's pretty hard to hit that magic number of approprialety vague, mildy serious, but not quite worrisome symptons. -Calvin

Posted on 2000-11-13 14:16:15


well there could be a number of probs..
go through this list and amke sure the yare set...

() Is the chr index# match the entity settings number?
() you might want to make baka entity # 0,1,or2 which ever is the closest to zero, and you might want to try a new character, or resave the entity settings in the maped mode...

if these do not work then reply to this message...

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine KarmaCult Loritian tralu the gerf people i do not like... EAR nik(k)o geyer

Posted on 2000-11-13 22:53:50

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