This is getting on my nerves!!
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I got one bug out of my mapswitch code. It will load the map but when it goes to put my player down it puts it down in the loacation if where my last map was.

So I want it to put me at a location of 0 and 72. But my last map the zone that switches it is 50 and 50. So when it switches the map it puts me at 50 and 50. It also has my entitys that I put down on my last map on the map that I switch it to.

If you can help my I am using v2.7 and I would really like you help. I've got other help that helped my but this is one bug that is annoying me!

Also I am getting confuesed on the Warp code. It doesn't work for me. It doesn't even move my entity! But I am a begginer and I need a lot of help or some tuts. If you know where I can get any for python files I would gladly read them and get out of your guys' hair!

Posted on 2001-11-15 22:41:33


I'm not exactly sure, but I don't think you can put something at zero. Try setting 0 to 1 and give that a shot.

Check out my homepage.

Posted on 2001-11-16 16:42:06


That still didn't work.

Posted on 2001-11-16 19:50:16


I don't use v2.7 or ika at all... I guess your on your own now. I bet you that tsb screwed up somewhere :D and forgot to put it some variables or something in the source..

Check out my homepage.

Posted on 2001-11-18 13:29:41


There are some very good Python tutorials on

I'm not sure exactly what it is you're doing, but I myself haven't had any trouble with moving entities around. Maybe it's erroring out somewhere. ika's error reporting is still a bit wacky. Check pyout.log, and see if there's anything in there. Make sure you're moving the right entity. Be aware that those coordinates are in pixels, not tiles.

That's about all I can think of.

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-11-18 14:39:12


Got to to get the newest version, call it ika, ask for help there, etc. Plus, heed the wise words of andy/tSB. Thos coordinates are in pixels, not tiles. So do (0*16,72*16), cuz a tile is 16 pixels wide and high.


Posted on 2001-11-19 03:56:25

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