Tile Sets
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Does anyone know a good place to find premade tile sets? I'm not that good with art work so i need to get some prepped ones till i get better. Thanks

Posted on 2001-02-28 01:48:22


The verge source has some.

Posted on 2001-02-28 13:53:35


if you want them for practice purposes, or if you plan on replacing them with your own tilesets at some point, then I'd recommend ripping some from old console games. you can code around them, and learn some of the tricks the artists incorporated by studying them at the same time.

verge-rpg. it's not just a job, it's an enema.

Posted on 2001-02-28 15:06:14


You can always snatch some tiles from the verge-1 packin game. You can download it from:


You can also rip any tiles you want from SotS's verge 1 versions, and on top of that, there are a few public domain tilesets in the files section of my homepage at:


Yeah. Hope that helps.


Sometimes, Ocham's Razor needs to be more like a scimitar...

Posted on 2001-03-01 03:35:22


How do you go about ripping them?

Posted on 2001-03-01 11:52:19

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