To bother thee all, alas!, once more! (:
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Just a quick dual-purpose thread to add to the message board. (:

First: VERGEC.TXT doesn't actually mention the inclusion of entity.CHR as a writeable variable... is it? I'm pretty sure V1 had it... and if you want to, say, change a character sprite into a different version of that character (i.e. make a normal character into a "swimming" character or something), all of the alternatives to an entity.CHR statement are very... annoying. (: If this particular entity variable does not exist in WinV2, I would like to humbly request that it be added to the next release, as I feel it is quite important. (:

And second: Emailings and interest in working on the Forgotten Kings project have dwindled -- completely. So I'm once again going to solicit from you all. (:

To be blunt, I need tile artists. BADLY. I need really nice-looking, original tiles to work with. And if you can do this service for me, I'm certain you'll be very happy with the result. (: Forgotten Kings is a very ambitious project on my part, but it could also be a really fantastic game. Thoroughly original, and best described as a potentially comedic game that takes itself disturbingly seriously, FK has an optional save-the-world subplot to a rather ho-hum beat-the-evil-wizard main plot, and a cast of characters that turn what could be "just another boring RPG" into something very unique and decidedly bizarre -- but not so much "ha ha" bizarre as "oh my" bizarre. (:

Anyone interested in lending a hand will receive a copy of the full plot summary to the game, no questions asked. And yes, unlike DreamSeekers, FK *has* a full plot summary, constantly under revision, as well as a character roster and special techniques listing, and a thorough description of the game's inner workings (once again, constantly under revision).

DreamSeekers sucked, but everybody loved it. So imagine what I can do with a *GOOD* game idea! (:

Just drop me a line -- here, if possible, since my email is soon to be switching to a new server, threatening the loss of everything in my mailbox -- and let me know if you're interested in lending a hand, and I will send you the plot summary a.s.a.p.!

And hey, not good at tile art, but still want to lend a hand? Sure thing! Just tell me what you wanna do, and if it's a service I need, even slightly, you'll find a nice squeaky-clean copy of the FK plot summary in your mailbox within 24-48 hours! (:

Thanks in advance! (:

Posted on 2001-12-22 13:18:17


Show me a working demo and I might be interested in making tiles. Not until then, however.

Posted on 2001-12-28 00:25:11


OK, you got yourself a deal! I've been working on a tech demo anyway, because the story and mapping will be much easier to work on if the engine itself is complete. There won't be much story in whatever demo may be forthcoming from me, but a demo plus a plot summary text should suffice, ne? (:

Also, as the subject line says, "Okage: Shadow King" for the PS2 *RULES*. After buying crappy Japanese RPG after crappy Japanese RPG, and even being let down by Final Fantasy X (I'm not far enough into it to make an accurate judgment, but it's certainly NOT off to a good start), I'm really glad to have found such a high-quality fun RPG. It has an old-school feel with a really cool story and characters, and is also quite possibly THE best genre parody I've ever seen. Anyone who owns a PS2, I would recommend "Okage: Shadow King" over even FF10... not since FF9 and Popolocrois II have I gotten so addicted to an RPG, and not since "Dark Cloud" have I played an RPG on the PS2 that I've actually LIKED. Way to go Sony!! (:


Posted on 2001-12-28 17:41:46


We had that discussion (about the smileys) half a decade ago, didn't we? ;)

By the way, merry christmas, people.. or something ;)

- Sungam
 Ancient Ex-VERGEr
 Possible Retro-VERGEr..?
Formerly known as:

Posted on 2001-12-28 19:20:29

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