Toolkit, Verge, many different engine...
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There are lots of RpgEngines around, and everybody says their own is the best, but they're wrong, all engines are different, some are better in different areas, for example, The RpgToolkit is very easy to use, yet it is pretty slow, Verge I have tried just for a bit, from what I remember it was kinda hard to use, yet it was a lot better, why do people care if its in DOS? Now that I got that through, let me introduce myself, I am WhiteTiger(Or Robby), I dont use any engines, I'm more of a programmer(C++), I want to know, what are the advantages of Verge over the Toolkit? People at the Tk community can get pretty mean, yet a lot are nice. They talk about other engine like there nothing but junk, most of them are wrong about that... No offense to any Tk'ers out there, but the Toolkit, well, is'nt that good, its too slow, if Tk3 is'nt better, then I lose all hope it will ever get better. Well I think I bored you all enough.

Posted on 2002-08-10 00:58:26


I've seen the Tk Community at some point. They do get pretty uptight when talking about other engines. I've never been really fond of the Toolkit Engine, either. But the truth is that every RpgMaker has its own strengths and weaknesses that both compel and, um, repel certain communities. Want to make a quick RPG with decent although ripped characters? Try RM2k. Want to make a Baldur's Gate/Diablo game for a pretty little sum of cash? Use Explorations or better yet, Neverwinter Nights. Want to make a semi-original RPG that will take a lot of your free time and patience to create? That's where Verge/Ika/Sphere comes in. It's all a matter of balance, really.
I always thought that RPGToolkit was only slow on my computer, but now I have proof that I'm not the only one. ^_~
And as for advantages, I'm not really sure since I can't remember too much about Toolkit. The CHR sprites in Verge are pretty flexible compared to the ones in RPGToolkit, if I remember. Hell, Verge is more flexible than RPGToolkit in many ways. Check out Zeux's World, for instance, everyone's favorite Verge platform game. The newer versions of WinV2 have neat interpolation features, too. We don't try so damn hard to sound cool, either. ^_~ Other than that would be speculation since it's been a long time since I've used RPGToolkit.

It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains and emperor. -Dream

Posted on 2002-08-11 16:46:32

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