Two Questions
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Q1.Verge crashed with this error, HandleAssign: bad offset to vc_strings (arr),what does it mean and how do I fix it?

Q2.I'm sure I read somewhere about a goto function where you put something like goto start; and then put start: somewhere else in your code and when it gets to the goto it jumps to where start is. Does this function exist? if so how do I use it?

Posted on 2001-08-11 05:51:57


1) it sounds like you're going past the end of a string array somewhere.
string foo[10];
foo[0 through 9] are valid.
foo[10 and up] are not, and will result in such an error.

2) No.

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-08-11 12:21:28


thanks a lot

Posted on 2001-08-11 12:59:48


Why must i type in a no text message?


Posted on 2001-08-12 18:11:24

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