Two things I discovered...
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1)The word "tech" returns "unknown token" if used in .VC scripts... I made SURE that there was the "int tech[500];" in the scripts.. What's up with that? I am using Verge 2.01a currently.

2)A friend of mine signed up as a member at under the name "Nyskall", but never got his confirmation email (the one with the password).. He's been waiting since Late August.

-I recieved my password right after I signed up, I think. Well, either that, or the next day...

If anyone can, please look into these things. Thanks.

Farmer Bob

Posted on 2002-12-01 17:32:02


2) The e-mail sending via php scripts (in other words, this website) is broken. I've been trying to get it fixed for awhile - it should have only broken maybe a month or two ago though, not back in Augst. Have your friend e-mail me and I'll give him his password.

Posted on 2002-12-04 15:27:26


Okay. Thanks Loretian for the help

Posted on 2002-12-15 10:04:59

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