Unexpected Error Reading Drive C
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So...I was programming up my item menu putting for loops and while's...and then I went to test the code using Verge.exe. It's worked before in the past, but now it gives me this error (right after Dos4gw and other stuff) saying:

Unexpected Error Reading Drive C
Abort, Retry, Fail?

None of these options work and I have to close it manually through windows. I could have accidentally deleted a file important to the engine, but I don't remember doing so. Anyone got any ideas?


Posted on 2000-11-11 21:15:20


while I was making my fractal landscape generator I had one of those errors, but once I exited, and reran it worked fine. Does yours work now?

Quote: BlaH! How do I change my password?

Posted on 2000-11-12 14:50:21


but when I exited and reran it, it still gave me an error. So fiddled with some files, closed the folder the game was in, went off surfin the web, came back, and THEN it worked fine. :P

I really should stop playing online multiplayer browser games, but I'm addicted. ^_^ But I've been working on my own little RPG on and off for the last TWO years! Now, I hope, I can finally get it DONE!...(or just release a small version :P)

Posted on 2000-11-12 17:37:50

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