unterminated string error
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ok, below is my map VC, everything was working just fine until i added an extra textbox (which is marked)
when it came to be the time to compile i recieved an error saying that there was an unterminated string found... i need to know the solution to avoid this again...
ok here is my map . vc the error said... (50) unterminated string error...

} //45
Text(" You: Hello there little girl, how", " did you get here? Girl: ", " Some mean men kidnapped my sister");
Unpress(B1); // this following text is the added...

Text(" and me, and they left us here", "sniff niff
well do you want to follow", " me until you get somewhere you like?");
Wah++; // so here is line nine.. what is wrong??
} // closes if statement.
} // closes event

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-11 16:23:44


a hem i said noooooooo text, buy you can still go to the gen board and look at the happt song question..

People that are usually nice too me mythrill the speed bump steven marine ear KarmaCult Loritian tralu the gerf people i do not like... anyone who does not like chocolate

Posted on 2000-11-11 18:01:45



- Ear

Posted on 2000-11-12 20:35:50

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