Updated EditCHR
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- Fill function
- EditCHR now frees the memory used for images before exiting. (If you use the exit button)
- Clip libraries, save your clips to HD, and share with your friends!! :D
You now have 5 clip libaries, plus a temporary one. When you click save, you'll save all your clips EXCEPT from the ones in the temporary clip library. The clips are automatically loaded when you start EditCHR. The libraries are saved as lib1.ecc to lib5.ecc, and if you wish, you can share your libraries with other people! ^^
- Lightness/Darkness bar in hicolor palette, so it's easier to choose a lighter/darker color

And this time I think I've got the specific link:

PS: Last time I posted twice by a mistake when using the back button in my browser, but I guess you figured as much...

Mythril. I like it with y, so don't try to make me change it to "Mithril".

Posted on 2000-12-15 17:08:15



"If you want to destroy my sweater, *Oe,oe,oh* pull this thread, as I walk away..."

Posted on 2000-12-16 16:05:04

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford.
Verge-rpg.com is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.