use .gif and .pcx in same time?
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well, i know that i can load an .gif file without any dificulties, but the probleme is when i load a .pcx and after a .gif.
The .gif is shown perfectly, but the color and shape of my .pcx is all screw up.
Is it because ya can't load a gif and a pcx in the same time, or cause they weren't of the same color pallette?


Beans are an excellent source of proteines! So please, be nice with them ...

Posted on 2001-01-06 21:56:53


I've used both at the same time with no problems, does the PCX work fine alone? If not, it probabably is the pallette.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-01-07 00:25:22


Are you using image_width and image_height for both?

That won't work, since they're just variables that hold the width/height of the last image loaded. You have to do something like this:

int img1,ix1,iy1;
int img2,ix2,iy2;

ix1=image_width; iy1=image_height;

ix2=image_width; iy2=image_height;


'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-01-07 13:25:49

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