V2.6 MapEd Problem
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When I make maps in 2.6 my player CHR doesnt show up at all. Everything else works fine but there is no player and I cant move around. I have to make my maps in 2k+j, and then copy them over to my 2.6 folder. Then if I want to change something in the maps, Ive got to go back over to 2k folder... make changes.. copy... paste... whats going on?
Posted on 2001-07-19 15:11:18
Does the renderstring get saved in 2.6?
TheGerf, not just any gerf.
Posted on 2001-07-19 16:14:03
renderstring. duh... whats that?
Posted on 2001-07-19 20:54:39
It controls the order that the map layers are drawn in. You can draw them in any order, and even draw them more that once. (pointless, except for the Retrace layer) If you don't have an "E" in the renderstring, the CHRs won't appear. It might be the problem.
The renderstring is hidden somewhere in the map editor, probably under map properties. It should be something like "1E23" whereby the map will be drawn "Layer 1, then CHRs, then layer 2, then layer 3". Depends on how many layers you have, and what you are trying to do with them. Basically, everything before "E" is 'background' and everything after "E" is foreground.
Square's making money.
We're making art.
Posted on 2001-07-19 23:03:40
oh, THAT thing. yes I have that done correctly. All entities show up.. cept the player controlled chr
Posted on 2001-07-20 05:28:45
Are you positive he's being spawned at all? Make sure you recompile the map VC file whenever you save the map.
- Ear "It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
Posted on 2001-07-20 18:26:09
WinMapEd doesn't automatically compile your VC when you save your map, like DOS MapEd does. The result is that VERGE is loading a map with no VC in it! (and thus, no player entity is spawned)
You just have to 'vcc all' before running VERGE. :)
"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb
Posted on 2001-07-20 18:47:16