v2.6 & windows
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Just wondering if anyone has any idea how to shut the v2.6 window down after it has page faulted? Every time it crashes, I have to reboot my machine just to get rid of the window. It doesn't appear in the close program dialogue, and alt+F4 dosen't do anything. Makes bug fixin' a pain. ;)


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-01-30 20:30:32


Here's the only thing I've come up with:

If you have MSVC, choose the "Debug" option when it page faults. Then, when all that fun looking ASM shows up, hit shift-F5 to stop debugging. Yay.. you're free.

(I'm working on a solution to that, so be happy!)

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-01-31 12:56:33

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