v2 char movement (2) and player entity
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Hi again,

Well, in the end I had to fix the "ents moving after titlebox" bug by seting timer to 0 at the end of my titlebox func -- apparently, verge moves the ents for every tick of time in Timer after the box is finished. Is this the best solution?

Also, verge 2.01 delta's silhouette function screws up image output every time. I worked around this by doing a transparent draw of a tcopysprite image, but...

Oh, and when I wrote to enity.specframe[player] during a cutscene, when the cutscene finished the player no longer animates and is not blocked by the obstruction layer. Why is this? It makes the cutscenes look rather unprofessional to not have the sprite switch in certain places.

Last few things:

What, exactly are all the entity structure's editable variables? I heard some are simply aliases, and some cannot be written to.

Is there a reference of Verge file formats anywhere? I'd like to write a program that takes a series of images and makes a v2chr. I'm prerendering all my sprites and having to then copy them into a single image is quite the pain.

Will maped2 ever support metatiles? 16x16 tiles are fine, but many of my graphics are many tiles large, and having to manually place and switch tiles for those makes my forest scene quite laborious. If it's not a feature planned at the moment, could you point me to a place where the map file format is so that I can have Cloud roll me an editor?

Thanks in advance (sorry for the long post),
- the Lady Vesper

Posted on 2001-11-14 20:53:54


I'm not sure I understand your first question, but if I do you can get the x/y coords of all the ents on the map, and set them back to the ones you stored after the box.

I dunno. Never used it.

To get the entity to animate again, set their frame back to 0. Not sure about the obstuction thing though, maybe the .px and .py coords are off, or something.

I'm pretty sure you can write to all off the entity structs, except for facing and moving.

There's a text document that comes with Rane's V2chr maker that has the info on teh .chr file.

You can draw your map in an external editor (psp, photoshop, mspaint...) and import the picture as the entire map or layers, or tiles, etc.
Not sure where to get teh map format though.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-11-15 14:44:14

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