V2 Highcolor info
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There seems to be alot of confusion about highcolor VERGE in general, so I thought I'd put this little post together.

All version of VERGE above V2K (V2+i, V2k+j, V2.6 & V2.7) have full support for highcolor. V2K technically has highcolor support, but its really crappy, and only allows 8-bit images, VSPs and CHRs, and has no special translucencies.

Highcolor VSPs are supported by V2+i, V2k+j, V2.6 & V2.7. They are very similar to 8-bit VSPs, are compiled with BMP2VSP, which takes a 24bit BMP for input, and can be used with Maped2+i (DOS) and Winmaped. (Windows)

Highcolor CHRs are supported by V2+i, V2.6 & V2.7 that I'm sure of. I think V2k+j supports them as well, but there was something from V2+i that k+j couldn't handle, and it might have been CHRs. The highcolor CHR compiler is included with all the highcolor VERGEs, I think.

Highcolor fonts are supported by V2+i, V2.6 & V2.7. However, currently V2+i and V2.7 share a format which is incompatible with V2.6's. I think the compiler for V2.6 is BMP2FNT (It's packed with it). I know there's a highcolor FNTMAK, but it won't work on my machine, so I don't know which version or what is does.

The highcolor image formats supported by the versions are:

V2K - None
V2+i - BMP
V2k+j - BMP
V2.6 - BMP, PNG, (PCX?)
V2.7 - PNG

Hope that helps. If I'm wrong on anything, please correct me.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-05-05 00:06:42


I'm pretty sure that V2K, aka V2.5 could only do images, no characters or maps.
And I think that tSB is adding more image formats for V2.7, rather than just PNG.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-05-05 00:32:18


Yep, all versions over V2K, but not including it. Though it does run in 16-bit color, it only supports 8-bit image/VSP/CHRs. (It has no palette restrictions though) And although Speed might add more formats, it might also be pointless, since PNG beats BMP, GIF and PCX for file size, and supports any color depth.

I also wanted to add that the current 2.7b8 does not yet have translucencies.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-05-05 00:52:26


The original v2k could load truecolour PCXs and BMPs. It had no hi/truecolour file formats for anything else. (you could hack it and write hicolour data directly to the VSP space, though)

And v2.7 supports full alpha blending. It's still pretty slow, (only suppported with gfx_soft as of yet) but real purdy. :) (in short, every pixel has its own level of see-through-ness. is that a word? O_o)

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-05-05 11:19:29


Where in the WORLD do you find this heavenly creation? Verge Source doesn't have it, neither does here, and it's not packed in with either the V2+i or V2+j zips, so I'm curious to know where you get it? And just a small suggestion, your info would be greatly appreciated in any doc form or small tutorial that's easy to find. I consider myself a decent programmer, and pretty knowledgeable when it comes to the Verge stuff, but I would never have known about this hi color map editor if you hadn't posted this note, and I do read the docs, and pack-in text files, (I swear! ;p) but still have never found answers to the questions I post. It would be a whole lot easier for newbies, and myself, if these kinds of files that are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to create hi color verge games, a core part of higher version Verges, are packed into the engine zips, or in the utilities section, or something. I really am worried that downloading V2.7 when it's finished is going to have everything I need to make the game except the files I need to make them with ;p. Please, please, please lemme know where I get this heavensent Dos Maped for hi color when you get the chance Devon. Again, thank you tremendously.

~Blade Dragon

The Realm of Trebezia Quote of the Day
"Then my sword...?"
"Powerless... But don't worry, you have me long! With my brains, and your brawn, I'm sure we can figure something out. Besides, I think some of your newly acquired sword skills should come in handy..."
"Oh? And which ones might those be?"
"Beats the Orc waste out of me, but I'll keep the Earth Shards coming while you figure it out."

Posted on 2001-05-07 23:19:02


Hey, sorry I've been away from VERGE all this time. I got it from Speed's homepage, where all the V2+i development used to be based, but he seems to have taken it down. (was http://members.home.net/thespeedbump/)

I've been around for a long time, but I never really got deep into the comunity, so I don't really know where I'd go about submitting that info. If anyone wants to just copy it out of my post and put it where it belongs, go ahead.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-05-16 03:50:08


That's a feature I was going to request. :) It isn't documented, though, is it? I think I would have noticed. You're going to put additive and subtractive translucency back in as well, right? There are some places where they get the job done just as well for less.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-05-16 03:54:28

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