Verge 2 + Linux =?
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Just wondering, but has anyone tried to use V2(not 2.7) on Linux via Wine or a windows emu? Or... are there any good Linux DOS emus that get the job done? Just wondering, as I am currently using Linux more thaqt windows.. and it would be nice to use V2 with out rebooting back to ME. One last thing... how hard would it be to port v2 to Linux? Thanks all!

Posted on 2001-09-30 01:13:41


I vaguely recall WINEing v2.6 with some success.

As for the port, it'd be pretty easy, methinks. It only took me two days to port it to win32, porting it to linux would simply require replacing the win32 stuff with SDL. (in theory) Maybe I'll give it a shot sometime, if someone else doesn't first.

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-09-30 01:23:35


That is if you want to emulate for the dos versions of v2 (oh and v1 too while you're at it ^_~)

-The Developer
John: You're shedding
Garfield: And you're watching me shed.
Garfield: Who has the problem here?

Posted on 2001-09-30 12:43:59


I started a port to SDL, but got sidetracked on the autotools portability issue. I will gladly give the code up to someone less easily lured to the auto* chain, for down that road lies madness (and true portability ;).

Everything compiles, but nothing links due to my bad configure / automake scripts.


Posted on 2001-10-07 16:06:35

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