verge decompiler
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is there a program out there to decompile verge 1 files???

Posted on 2001-04-10 20:15:32


I mean it should be simple enough to replicate anything you see in a v1 game via vc1, and besides that most games come with their source. Those that don't either have puzzles and secrets hidden with in the map's code, or for some reason the developer wanted you to not have the code. In short there is no v1 or v2 decompiler because quite frankly no one has seen a real need to make one. And I'm always happy to lend out my coding skills in exchange for some help with art, music, experience, or large in-game statues honoring me ^_~

-The Developer "[About ff4] ff4(2)] Aaaahhh... great game, great characters, great story, great music, BAAAAAAAD graphics."

Posted on 2001-04-15 17:42:28

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