Verge on 2000
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I'm trying to run VERGE on Win2000 but I can't find a version that works, I have all the files right but when I start Winv2 it goes black and does nothing... I only have a blank map but I can't get the console to come up when I press "`", is the button different in Winv2? or what?

Posted on 2002-12-08 14:56:00


There is no console in Winv2. If you are not switching to a map, or you have no code, or your map has no renderstring, then Winv2 may be just black or not even come up.

It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.

Come visit!

Posted on 2002-12-11 16:19:45

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