VERGErs of the world, UNITE!
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Omni and KarmaCult have definitely brought up some good points, and I think KarmaCult especially hit the nail right on the head.
If we are striving for perfection, we're not gonna achieve our goals. At least, not alone.
So, we need to either (A) set our sights lower, or (B)... band together!
And personally, I think option B would be awesome... imagine an RPG developed and improved upon by the entire VERGE community! We may not be able to make a game with the greatest of graphics, or music, or the best plot, if we work by ourselves... but together, WE CAN!!
So I have a proposition.
I propose that we all try to work together on one big project.
Not abandon our own little projects, but just... add to them. (:
Ahem... uhhh, no, there's no ulterior motive here... ... so, anyone good at tile art? I'll tackle story, character designs, programming, dialogue, and mapping... heheheheheh... (:
Yes, that was a thinly veiled third attempt to get help for Forgotten Kings, but hey, ya' can't blame me for trying! (: Not that I'll be working on it at my maximum potential anyway, at least not for a while... still addicted to Okage: Shadow King, which definitely blows FF10 out of the water entirely. (:
Posted on 2002-01-07 19:47:41