I agree, I would like to see some docs and things on v-rpg, they have a kick ass message board, but unfortunatly that about all they have here :-(
I am also remaking silo1.com right now, and planning on making it out of all the files from vergesource and the FF chronicals site (the FFC site has some docs I didn't even know existed o_0! )
but in all seriousness, unless you have a dedicated server to store the 190+ megs from vergesource alone plus others, its going to be hard to replace, or even make a substatute, or spin off of the vergesource, I have unlimited space, and bandwidth, but my current host only allows 100k file size :-(
Miggle, please don't take what I just wrote in any way wrong, go for it, verge seriously needs some sites with all the files in it, or even just afew, being an online community such as verge is, we need a bunch of web pages, everywhere, like little old ladies, you know, everystreet has a little old lady living on it, well we need some old ladies!
and Slush puppies!
hmmm, I went alittle off my topic....
um... I don't even remember why I wanted to post :-)
I'm to tired to stay on subject.
we just need abunch of web sites, so nomatter where people go, verge will be there, looking into their beady little eyes, saying "Verge is you!" in big giant words, like porn sites, you know, where you accidently surf into one while looking up the word 'ferret' and then when you close it, it just keeps popping up, and then it gets mad, and brings its friends, and before you know it, you have 40+ browsers all with well drawn anime porn, and old ladies! and you try to close them, but they keep coming back, and you can't avoid it, and your heart starts beating fast, and your panic stricken, and the continuous browser pop-ups are giving you a head-ache, you start screaming at you computer, "STOP IT YOU @^%&ING THING! STOP IT!" but it wont, you nudge towards the power button but remember that you have a script you were working on before all this, and you remember how you didn't save it, 4 hours of work would be gone if you turned off your computer, you hear your girlfriend coming up the stairs as you look at the screen simply to see 'GOT PORN?' in big letters stretched acrost the screen, and you just start clicking the little 'x's at the edge of the browser, trying to close them all, and then they break out the big guns, the ultimate in evil javascripting, the one thing that could ruin everything, a gay site with the full screen script, it pops up, taking up the whole screen, no browser bars, no scroll bars, no way out, just men, men everywhere, as you hear the door open as your girlfriend walks into the room, your sitting in your boxers, and all you can say is "Uhhgg umm..." as you snap your head over to look at her as sweat drips down your forhead and you turn off you monitor and reset your computer.*
If verge had that kind of power, we would be unstoppable, we would have no lamers coming in saying verge is dead, we would have no people saying 'what is verge?' we would have millions of people downloading our demos, and helping us in our every whim, it would be glorous, it would be a new era, the verge era, where 6th period in highschool isn't P.E. its VERGE!
and the sweet old lady that lives down the street will be an admin of her own verge site, and she will beable to code with the best of them, and all those lamer kids with those razor fx things that keep running out infront of my car, will throw down their 'skateboard with a stick' and become character artists, we can rename the state of Virginia to Verge, Follow me my brothers and sisters, for I can make this happen, I have seen the light, and it all holds true in one source, the internet (bet you thought I was going to say the vergesource huh ;-) ) we can recruit people for our bidding, no more need for helpless please for character artists, we will have them, and no more need for help with coding, we will simply come up with a chip that we can insert directly into your frontal lobe, and you will know all that is verge.
now can you honestly say that was bad story telling, I mean, I was into it man, and miggle, good luck on your site :-)
*these events never happened to me before, minus afew times before I learned the power that ctrl-alt-delete had on browsers gone bad.
That and my girlfriends cool, she would just say 'hay look, naked people, cool' and then turn on the tv and kick back with me, why? because shes my 'old lady' and I love her :-)
(one sappy ending....)
**honestly doesn't remember what he was talking**
**stares blankly at monitor**
**falls asleep**
I'm going to make a verge, its going to be called Verge: ITLUYATSBOVOTOOAOCDTTKHTPIV, it will stand for 'Verge: Impossible to learn unless you are The Speed Bump or Vecna or Tatsumi Oreo or a cool Developement team that knows how to program in Verge' :)
Posted on 2001-07-10 07:16:41