**waves bye to tat**
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You know, its odd, I don't feel bad that everyone is n detox from vergesource right now, because noone is really noticing that tatsumi left with it, and he was a big part of verge, all we are really doing is whinning about spilt milk over vergesource, $20, and I could make anotherone, $40 and I could make 2 of them.
But for tatsumi leaving, that just sucks, I remember when I first started chatting on mIRC, tat was a nice guy, as with everyone in the scene, but he was willing to tell me to shut up, and I thought of him as a friend because of that :-)
I am not sure what the vergesource boards looked like before it was closed, seeing as I usually only check the boards everyother day, and I am not sure what emails were sent to him, but whatever was on it, it was probably very unrelevant to tat leaving, from what all I saw, it was mostly just a panic attack of "oh why god, WHY!"
and thats how we as a scene usually look at stuff, its always a panic, always faster then need be, and thats why we never get anything done, because we always want something else then what is offered.
I am not a big part of verge, and I just woke up to find the vergesource closed, so my spellings probably bad, and my gramers probably worse.

But all I wanted to say was, theres very few people that give serious solid suport to verge, and they don't do it because they need to, and for the most part, they don't do it because they want to, they just do it, and when they stop, we should thank them, hell, the vergesource rocked, but that was tats way of helping everyone even though he didn't want to in its last months, wiether because of money, or because of the decline in the scene, thats his thing, but to flame him, and claim the scene gone, and everything else everyone did, just by him closing up shop and leaving, thats mean, everyone should have looked at it as, "he's closing up and leaving, well, thanks for the many months (many many months) that vergesource has helped everyone, and later tat."
but most of the posts there, and even here were more like "WHY TAT WHY! I just can't live without the scene man, the scene is dead, I am loading the shotgun right now, and I am offing myself after this message, I just can't handle it man!"
tisk tisk ;-)

hmmm, I'm am tired, and I must hurry to goto a meeting (a VA meeting **laughs**) so I will just leaving this post like I was suposed to make it, bye simply saying, thanks for the site tat, see you around, I would email you with that, but my lazy ass doesn't want to start outlook express up ;-)


I'm going to make a verge, its going to be called Verge: ITLUYATSBOVOTOOAOCDTTKHTPIV, it will stand for 'Verge: Impossible to learn unless you are The Speed Bump or Vecna or Tatsumi Oreo or a cool Developement team that knows how to program in Verge' :)

Posted on 2001-07-02 11:14:09


Unfortunately, the only cool development teams that know how to program in Verge are oldbies, and they're almost all gone now...

BTW, isn't Revelation still going strong?

That is all.


Posted on 2001-07-02 11:56:22



Posted on 2001-07-02 13:07:18


Why do you say that? The Genesis team(or what's left of them) have been silent for ages. Unless they're working in secret or something...


Out of clutter, find simplicity. -Einstein

Posted on 2001-07-02 15:38:20


It seems that Falthorn released some CHRs shortly ago... but maybe that was something old that I'd never seen before. I'd think they're working in secret, not bogging themselves down with the community, and spending all their time on the game.

I hope.

That is all.


Posted on 2001-07-02 15:42:35


And I thought they died or something. I could really smell the stench of bad meat on thier site...


Posted on 2001-07-02 18:05:37



Posted on 2001-07-03 11:20:44

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