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Ok, I have the whole talking thing down. but now, what about more info on zones and entities? anyone know of a good doc for people who have gotten the basics down? A tutorial would be good too.

Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be, will be.-Doris Day, "The Man Who Knew Too Much"

Posted on 2001-07-05 15:06:16


Its a little old,(It was made for V1) but it should give the basic rundown of it.
Go to Chapter 1 - Basic Editing - Zones

Here's a quick list of what the fields in MapEd2 do:
Name: Just a description
Script: What 'event' it triggers in the map.vc
Chance: 0 - 256, how often it occurs. 0= never, 256 = always
Delay: number of miliseconds delay before the event starts
Entity: Nothing, I believe.
allow adjacent activation: you can activate it from the side by hitting enter

Entity fields:
Desc: a short description
x: x starting coord
y: y starting coord
chr: what number on the chr list it is
chr list: finds the chr files needed
autoface: if it looks at you when it talks
activ method: if it activates by pressing enter, or by walking beside it
is obstruction: player can not walk through it
is obstuctionable: whether it can walk through other obstructions
move code: 1,2,3,4. See MapEd2.txt
The 6 below it depend on move code. See MapEd2.txt
MoveScript: if you want a specific movement patter, pick the one off the list
Script: the specific patterns

Hope this helps

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-07-05 17:01:41


Delay, in the zone section, is the number of steps that will happen before the zone works.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-07-05 17:06:20

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