What is a brush in jwinmaped2?
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I was looking at some screenshots of jwinmaped2 and noticed a tab called "brushes", and couldn't figure out what a brush is meant to be in this. I've worked with 3D level editors before and a brush is usually a small unit like a cube.

Posted on 2004-02-01 13:58:39


I believe a brush is a pre-made grouping of tiles you define that you want to rubberstamp all over the place a bunch.

Like a tree. Or a house. Or an altar to sacrifice virgins on. You know... for a cult that sacrifices lots of virgins simultanously with some degree of frequency.


I am the dark wielder of Occam's Nodachi.... and I have come for your plans!

Posted on 2004-02-01 20:00:40


That was what I was hoping a brush would be :)

Out of clutter, find simplicity. -Einstein

Posted on 2004-02-02 11:40:38

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