What is Verge 2.5?
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Would anyone care to explain what it is, and where I
can download it from? Is it better than V2?

Is it easier to use at all? Is it windows-compatible?

Please give me the lowdown.



Posted on 2000-11-12 15:05:06


There are more versions of Verge 2+.
First we have Verge 2.5, an improved version that supports 16 bit graphics, works on DOS, has some new functions and vars and is hopelessly abandoned (already).
Then we have Verge 2+i which also has 16-bit color chr's and maps, but which tends to not run on some places. This platform too, has had its brightest days.
Then we have Verge which has string returns and a new syntax, but isn't very useful...
Finally we have Verge 2K+J. Take it from me, if you want to worship something, worship THIS! It has the good things of all the three former engines combined and it has new nifty features (like variable translucency). Besides that, da Speed Bump is working on a Windoze version.

The problem with all these versions is still compatibility, but in the case of v2k+j, this will be solved in the (near) future.

-Devlyn (theshiningsource.cjb.net ) "I'm not dumb, I merely suffer from periodical intellect."

Posted on 2000-11-12 15:15:19


The craptacularness of your comp might decide what you use. If it sucks, like mine, just basic old v2, if it doesn't v2k+j is your friend.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2000-11-12 23:43:50

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