Where's decent Gfx Editor?
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I use iDraw 3.32(from Don's Site) for design char sets, but this tool isn't really very useful.
Can anyone point another Pixel-Based Gfx Edior?

Posted on 2002-01-23 05:06:46


Most people use either Paint Shop Pro (jasc.com), or Photoshop. (adobe.com)

The cheap people use GIMP (gimp.org) :D

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2002-01-23 08:27:22


I tried PaintShop Pro and decide to use it.
Another I found is called "Tile Studio", it's really useful.

Posted on 2002-01-23 08:36:20


Posted on 2002-01-23 15:42:46

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