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It's not much to look at yet, but I drew EVERY LAST TILE myself, so I'm pretty proud. (:

Completed so far: about 95% of the Shagwood Forest map (which is VERY large, and riddled with secrets!), as well as a Zelda-style screen-by-screen FREE MOVEMENT system (including diagonal walking!!).

Credit where credit is due: I owe one line of code to Zaratustra (I copied his GetTilePixel function from 4Four verbatim), which singlehandedly made the rest of my coding a LOT easier. I also have to thank Nathan Rosen for the wonderful sprite of Sulin McCane, featured in all seven screenshots.

Enjoy, and please let me know what you think! (:


Posted on 2002-03-01 04:06:12


wonder what that could do...?

Posted on 2002-03-01 06:25:51


It's a function that V2 inexplicably lacks (naturally, anyway -- feature to add to V3, vecna?), which tells you the color of a pixel ON A SPECIFIC GRAPHICS LAYER (GetPixel gets the color of a pixel on the screen, but with GetTilePixel, you can limit it to tell you only what's on that one layer). It's kinda necessary for a free movement system (where one layer contains only obstructing objects, and the other layers contain other graphical details such as grass, trees you walk behind, etc.), and I was trying to figure out how to do this for the longest time, but then I remembered that Zaratustra had already done it in 4Four... so I looked, and he did it by figuring out what tile was placed in that spot on that layer, then hacking into the VSP memory itself and getting the pixel color straight from the tile. (: I swear, Zara is a programming GOD. (:


Posted on 2002-03-01 07:25:54


this of course, assumes that you will use it to find out if the tile is a certain color, and use that color to determine if it is an obstruction or not. So you couldn't exactly use it for invisible barriers, ie, in a map of tiles that look the same. But I guess it's good that you can....that's what he did in Four4, right? Where the border on the landscape appears, he didn't allow you to cross. Very ingenious. And the source to Four4 is free, right?

Posted on 2002-03-01 15:07:37


It sounds like you can just put this fake obstruction layer on the bottom. All the color (grass, water, mountains) will be over it so you couldn't see.

Posted on 2002-03-01 15:33:04


Well, it looks like a game with some actual content, rather than just pointless wandering around. Cool.

Posted on 2002-03-01 15:35:30



I like tits.

Posted on 2002-03-01 15:40:15


I don't get that.

Posted on 2002-03-01 20:37:20


I'm not sure how you could POSSIBLY discern that from those screenshots, but hey, thanks! (:


Posted on 2002-03-02 06:16:02


Why can't normal people think up good ideas like that? It's embarressing.

Posted on 2002-03-02 16:06:11

Displaying 1-10 of 10 total.
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