Which MapEd 2 is most reliable? Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.
...I keep losing progress on my maps because of MapEd screwing up! First there was the whole tiles-above-127-mess-everything-up bug... then I downloaded that MAPEDG.ZIP file that TheGerf told me about and remade my entire map. Although this MapEd, too, seemed to have its share of bugs (like the fact that it caused an illegal operation crash every time I saved), it seemed to be working fine... until it decided that, this time, when I hit save, it would crash with an illegal operation BEFORE actually saving the data!
I don't want to risk having that happen again. Luckily, I only lost one screen, but still -- that sucks.
And WinMapEd has no tile editor.
So, to cut to the chase: is there any version of MapEd 2 that... er... WORKS? (: Has there been any release of this program that, as far as anyone can tell, has no major bugs? And if so, where can I find it? And if not, WHY THE HELL NOT?? (:
Anyhoo, if you have any info, please let me know. Thanks!
Posted on 2001-12-13 09:02:18
The first time you save it starts acting weird, like not letting the mouse cursor go to the bottom 2/3rds of the screen. You can still edit stuff but when you save the second time it will crash without losing data.
The only time I've EVER lost any data with this MapEd (since v2 came out) is when I manually fill in the VSP info (which is my fault, but poor design regardless). IE., I use map.vsp for all my maps. If I open a brand new map and go to map properties and type 'map.vsp' on the vsp line, it will create a brand new blank vsp entitled map.vsp and overwrite (without warning) my complete tileset. What you need to do is select LOAD VSP for this to work properly. There are a number of ways this can better be implemented, but the easiest with the existing code would probably be just to disable manually entering a vsp filename and having two menu options, LOAD VSP and NEW VSP, the latter asking for the filename.
Anyway, I just ranted about that because it was my only problem with MapEd and wanted everyone to know about it. I use Win98 and never otherwise had any trouble. Just ALWAYS save once, close MapEd, then reopen and continue editing. It's a pain but MapEd opens up fast.
Posted on 2001-12-13 14:16:50
The one that doesn't die after I save.
This one dies.
I dunno, maybe they both suck when you use them.
TheGerf, not just any gerf.
Posted on 2001-12-13 14:53:56
Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.