Why wont VCC.exe make the right files?
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I ran vcc.exe on my system.vc file, but it refuses to make the system.idx and system.vcs files! This is the exact line:

vcc system

Please, help!

Posted on 2000-12-17 17:10:46


"How many rocks are there, in the whole world?"

Posted on 2000-12-17 17:20:52


Try "vcc -all"
or "vcc -system.vc" if you just want to compile system.vc

-Devlyn (theshiningsource.cjb.net ) "I'm not dumb, I merely suffer from periodical intellect."

Posted on 2000-12-17 17:26:09


Ok, I've tried all of those, but it still doesnt work. Btw, it also says "0 total VC lines compiled" at the end, which concerns me...

Posted on 2000-12-17 20:26:02


I downloaded the official V2 instead of the V2k+j stuff and the vcc.exe that came with it worked for some reason.

Anyway, I've got a basic script; is it valid?

This is test.vc:
event //0 autorun

This is system.vc:
void DrawCursor()
CircleFill(mx, my, 10, 255);
Line(0, 0, screenx, screeny, 63);

Unfortunately, I run it and all I get is a black screen! Why? Also, how do colors work?

Posted on 2000-12-17 22:15:48


Well, thanks for all the help everyone...I added an 'R' to the render string and I guess that did it...forgot that HookRetrace requires that 'R'...

Posted on 2000-12-17 22:18:43


That's just a little bug in v2k+j. Ignore it. It compiles normally.

-Devlyn (theshiningsource.cjb.net ) "I'm not dumb, I merely suffer from periodical intellect."

Posted on 2000-12-18 05:27:17

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