Will there be a MapEd soon...
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...that can handle high-color VSPs? WinMapEd is okay for the time being, but it doesn't do animation or tile editing or have a built-in screen saver or anything!

Posted on 2000-12-23 22:27:01


'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2000-12-23 23:46:16


...I'd prefer to see MAK file support for bmp2vsp so that animations can be done outside of MapEd. Photoshop and Paintshop are already better than any built-in tile editor is likely to be, so I'd rather have better external support. As it is, I would have to redo all tile animations everytime I create a new tile, since I convert PSDs and overwrite my one huge VSP, thereby updating every map.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2000-12-24 00:56:44


Import image as layer...
I'll name my first-born after you!

"How many rocks are there, in the whole world?"

Posted on 2000-12-24 04:37:43

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