WinMapEd - Application Error
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I've just d/l the v2.7 package for the first time and I have this "Application Error" every time I run WinMapEd. The message is the standard w2k error message e.g. "The instruction at '0x...' referenced memory at '0x...'. The memory could not be 'read'". Now, since I can't do anything without WinMapEd, does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem? Anything similar happen to any of you?

Any help will be greatly appreciated :)

Posted on 2001-09-03 14:42:14


Can you give me more information?

When does it crash? As soon as you start it? When you try to do something specific? A bug that I can reproduce is a bug that I can fix.

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-09-03 18:56:03


It crashes when I start the application. Nothing seems to happen (e.g., no window appears, etc.) and the application crashes. I don't think you'll be able to reproduce since even I wasn't able to. I tried to run WinMapEd on my w2k at work and it worked perfectly. I was just wondering if this problem has ever happened to anyone else; someone might have had a solution.

I see there's a new v27 package available on Tsubonip's page (packaged with the dlls, great idea). Any change in WinMapEd?

Posted on 2001-09-04 11:21:12


"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-09-04 19:02:21

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