WinV2 Beta 2.1 Maped woes
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Ok I'm trucking along makeing sure my tech demo is WinV2 compatible, and lo and behold as I'm trying to select tiles to use on a lovely lil' map, it either crashes or selects the wrong one. I know that v1 had problems origionally with extremely large vsps (this one weighs in at 1764 tiles and 320k). The problem doesn't occure till the 128th tile and beyond (which leads me to think memory calculation bug). Also why the sudden need to use dos4gw with maped? I never needed it before. dos4gw dislikes me with a passion ;_;

-The Developer
I believe in Christianity as I believe in the sun...not only do I see it, but by it I see everything else -C. S. Lewis

Posted on 2001-11-14 01:15:39

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