WinV2 Windowed mode
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I'm running XP Home, and when I try to run winv2 (last beta) in windowed mode, it exits with this:
vid_bpp (24) not a standard value
My head hurts too much. All I know is that I sent a demo to a friend running XP Pro, and it works fine in windowed mode on his.


"If it weren't for my horse (as in giddyup, giddyup, let's go), I wouldn't have spent that year in college (a degree granting institution)." -Lewis Black

Posted on 2002-03-15 16:29:41


it did that to me on my computers at school when I tried to work on it in spare time.

I assumed I had a damaged copy, because I was using it on a bad floppy disk, so I downloaded another one and it worked fine. Otherwise, try messing around with the video settings. Does your desktop have to be 24-bit color for it to run in video mode? Try that. Or try running it in fullscreen.

It is not wrong to not understand, for we are all ignorant, but neither is understanding pointless.

Posted on 2002-03-15 18:07:46


I changed the color depth from 24-bit to 16-bit and it worked fine. I guess I should have tried that earlier; V2 DOES work in 16-bit, doesn't it? ^_^ Oops. Thanks for your help.


"If it weren't for my horse (as in giddyup, giddyup, let's go), I wouldn't have spent that year in college (a degree granting institution)." -Lewis Black

Posted on 2002-03-16 06:34:40


yeah winv2 only runs in 15/16bpp or 32bpp. 24bpp is dumb and gay.

Posted on 2002-03-18 01:57:27

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