WinV2 + Windows 98 stability issues
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Ok, so there seems to be a problem with people running Windows 98 (don't know about ME, probably it too) and WinV2.

Most of the dev team does not have a 98 machine anymore, so we can't really easily test this stuff out, but the bulk of winv2 was developed during a particularly awesome 14-day uptime in Win2K with absolutely no memory leaks, stability issues, or any other problems. This is clearly a bug in Windows 98, but nonetheless we'd like to find whats causing it and fix it.

So, if you have problems with WinV2 messing up your 9x OS (like, WEIRD problems. overall system instability, Zara reported being unable to open a DOS box afterwards, etc), please EMAIL ZEROMUS at He's got 98 on his laptop and has some questions he'd like to ask to narrow down the problem.

So uh! Help us out! email zero!


Posted on 2001-11-19 18:12:20


TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-11-19 20:35:23



It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains and emperor. -Dream

Posted on 2001-11-20 20:00:21

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