WinV2beta 2.1
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Well, the beta 2.1 link doesn't work, so this is actually about the beta 2, both of which I'm sure are the same concerning these two bugs.
1. ReadVars() crashes the system in an exact scenario that does not crash the DOS version.
2. Music is played at half speed.
These are reminiscent of the exact same bugs that plagued v2.5 (imagine that?), and the same ones I bugged speedy about in 2.6 until he nailed them.
Progress sounds cool so far though.
Posted on 2001-11-10 21:56:34
Got the link fixed, that was actually due to the HD failure two days ago.
Uhh. I'll look into ReadVars().
What music is played at half speed? All music? Just a certain song? If it's a certain song, send it to me and I'll have air look at it. Otherwise, uhhhhh.
Posted on 2001-11-11 15:06:07
Yup, all music. It's probably related to open memory being allocated (gfx layers). Sometimes when I Alt-X out the music speeds up for the fraction of the second the screen is gone before it stops.
Posted on 2001-11-11 19:04:51
Not sure if this falls under the bug category or the 'things v2 did wrong that it should do differently' category. But ...
In v2, if I GotoXY(10,10); Then PrintString(font,"HI ");
Then PrintString(font,"THERE!"); This would produce onscreen -- HI THERE! --
In WinV2, the THERE begins again at the last GoToXY and overlaps the HI.
Posted on 2001-11-11 19:08:07
TheGerf, not just any gerf.
Posted on 2001-11-12 10:12:14