WME 2.7 image import problem.
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Whenever I try to import one of my tilesets, WinMapEd crashes. (No message, it just hangs and I have to End Task it) I can get it to import the PNGs included with V2.7, but not my own. I use Photoshop 5, and I've tried both "Save" and "Save for Web", but niether generates a file that WME can read apparently. I have no Linux machine, so Gimp is right out.

Is WME looking for a very specific PNG variation or something? I've just been saving them as PNG-24 with alpha, standard row order and no filter, although I noticed that one of the included PNGs seems to use one of the filters.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-10-11 16:28:45


could you email me such a png file?

I use GIMP exclusively for graphics, and I've never had any problems of the sort. (there is a windows version, by the way)

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-10-11 19:14:58

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