Would it be possible???
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I know I don't know much about verge yet. So that's why I'm asking this. I'm almost done with the story and the main concept of the character (lets just say that my main idea is all on paper)

Now, I would like to start doing maps and BGs. Is it possible to do a map that would look somewhat like this:


note: those pics where taken from Legend of Mana. (most of you know that though, i'm sure ^^;;; )

I know that you can do maps with tiles, but it seemed too complicated compared to just draw the BG on paper, color it in photoshop and use that instead as a map. To give a real 3D feel. Is it possible?? Or am i totally crazy???

Thanks you all in advance for your advice. :)

Posted on 2001-08-17 13:13:38


Wrong links!!


sorry about that!! ^^;;;;

Posted on 2001-08-17 13:15:43


I'm sure VERGE 2.7 would be completely able to support it in it's 32-bit mode. WinMapEd 2.7 is very capable of allowing you to hand draw a map, color it in photoshop, change it's format to .PNG, and import it as tiles into the engine.

The only problem I see is the obstruction placement. There isn't a huge problem in the first map you linked to but that second one seems to try and have a 3D perspective. Obstruction placement can be done, but the diagonal stair obstructions wouldn't have very smooth placement. I'm not sure but I think the_Speed_Bump will be implementing half-tile obstructions which would probably help that problem if they were diagonally placed. Otherwise you can just make the tiles very small or use a hi-res to make the blockiness of obstructions unintelligible.

Posted on 2001-08-17 15:08:38


Forget half tile obstructions! I want the color obstruction! Ie, I can place obstructions onto the tile in tiled pixle by pixle instead of putting the hole shabang on a tile. Of course, that wouldn't work with the tile by tile movement system. And I guess could be hard to implement. Probably harder than half tile obstructions. But I don't care since I've never seriously used Verge and perhaps never will :)

Death to the grid!

Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks--those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest.

Posted on 2001-08-17 15:20:22


I see what you mean. But i can always cheat my perspective to make it work with the Obstruction placement. I don't think it will be much of a problem. I just wanted to make sure i could do my full BG on a paper (and photoshop it after) and use that as a map.

Because clearly, it would save me tons of time. I hate doing maps tile by tile... it just takes too much time (well for me that is, not everyone would have the same opinion. ^^ )

Thank you very much for the help!! I really appreciate it!!! ^^

Posted on 2001-08-17 15:39:43


If your programming your own movement system implementing any system of obstructions would be equally difficult(in my opinion).
of course in verge if you wanted just pixel obstructions. You might have to program movement also.

Posted on 2001-08-17 16:34:47


Vecna, Tatsumi and I tried to get Verge 2.6 to use nontileable maps for a VERGE contest held awhile back. We didn't have time to play with any sort of precise obstruction stuff, so I designed the maps so that everything fit within a 16x16 grid (VERGE still only uses tile obstructions).

So, yes, the maps can be done, even if you have to make sure that major obstructions fit within 16x16 blocks.Here's a (shrunken down :) example :


The problem with that is that the viewing angle is still pretty rigid and straight. No pretty perspectives. The other downside is that if you have a map with very organically shaped obstructions, it may not look as good. If you wanted something like this

http://www.jonwofford.com/temp/cave1_small.jpg ,

you'd have to write your own obstruction code, or get someone else to do it for you.

Either way, good luck :)

We can't stop here! This is bat country!

Posted on 2001-08-17 17:03:29




Posted on 2001-08-17 17:05:20


Draw a big picture of your map and import it as tiles. Bam! No problem. (I think it'll be even easier than this in v2.7)

Zones and obstructions are, like everyone has said, tile based. If your map is big enough, that'll offset the size of the obstructions. Or you could use a high resolution. But either way, if you want "fancy" effects like dynamic movement on stairs (where your chr automatically adjusts y position as the player moves left and right, like in most modern RPGs) you have to code your own movement system, or parts of it at least.

BTW, aurora and I are doing the same thing with our maps, so if you have any other questions, feel free to ask! (I'm waiting for tSB to implement a per-layer image-importer into v2.7 and we've got it made!)

That is all.


We don't need better engines, we need better creation tools!

Posted on 2001-08-18 11:59:07


NT = No Text

Posted on 2001-08-18 15:23:07


And uh, what happened to Kevlar Justice?

Posted on 2001-08-18 20:40:11


Tatsumi decided to try and turn it into a Max Payne mod.

By the end of the Hov, I had rendered out two fairly large but simple and cheesy maps, two chars (32x32, 8 directions, 8 frame run-cycles, plus shooting animations for idle as well as run), and a few quick and crappy Xm's. My stance was if they could get that stuff working, I'd continue to help. But they apparently had a lot of trouble getting everything to work together in v26, and didn't have much desire to start using v27. After trying to port to C, tat just decided Max Payne was the way to go.

My honest feeling is that he won't get very far, but I made him a few textures to get him started.

We can't stop here! This is bat country!

Posted on 2001-08-18 21:43:33


Thanks you all for your replies!!!

This as been very helpfull. I just hope that it will work ^^;;;; I'll be working hard to make it worth while.

Thanks again!!


Posted on 2001-08-19 02:09:47


It _was_ for a while. But some of my code systems were running into problems with VC, and the lack of certain features (like free movement) made v2.7 a more attractive option for us. Sure, some of those features could be re-coded into v2.6 in VC, but that would be a pain in the ass and a horrendous waste of time and effort. So v2.7 it is... for now :/

That is all.


We don't need better engines, we need better creation tools!

Posted on 2001-08-19 12:22:31

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