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Ska säljas som GBA spel på hyllor förhoppningsvis. Jag vill arbeta med spel i mitt liv, så då behöver jag betala min hyra etc med det. :) - ICQ 7698022

Posted on 2001-08-22 10:17:59


The plot down the toilet was not too devastating to me. I didn't really care so that's why I was laughing as the paper went down and not reaching for a big piece of wood or a boot. But I still don't know what made me say "Destroy it!"...

I have moved on, with a much better plot. Anyway I want a game that my all my friends can enjoy and not wanna destroy.

It is faster and easier to damage something than it is to create or repair it. Isn't it?

Posted on 2001-08-22 11:08:00


Jag tänker då köpa det! Eller trakka mina polare att göra det... ^_^

Jag vill också utveckla spel, men om man nu precis börjat första ring så finns det mycket att kvar att lära...

Posted on 2001-08-22 16:28:47


Fine. Company, team,. whatever.

I went to go get corperated, but that cost a crapload of money, so 'team' will work for now.

SmokeDog, High Lord King of Redundancy!!! [Enter Gratiutious and Profound signature file here.]

Posted on 2001-08-22 17:10:10

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