Displaying 1-20 of 24 total.
I've been experimenting with myself, motivation from outside and everything. I simply can't make a game alone. It's really one of my dreams to make games on my own, but from now on, never trust that I'll ever make a game. It's impossible. After a while working alone and doing everything just gets really boring. I want to start something fresh. I believe many know this phenomena. It's that way in all things I do. Kudos to Zaratustra who made Zeux, now I know I can't do anything alike it since my time suddenly goes to 3d studio, music or something else. I simply can't stay on a ginle project if i'm doing it alone.
Team effort is truly the way I'll ever do a game, when I don't have to do everything.
I wish my interest wasn't as split up as it is. - ICQ 7698022
Posted on 2001-08-21 06:39:29
(Danger! The swede's about to speak!)
Ich kinda fattar vad du menar. Själv har jag många gånger försökt göra spel, men det har alltid slutat med att jag står ensam med projektet. Och göra spel ensam är ingen hit direkt... Är det hopplöst? Nä. Men lägg ner mycket tid på att tänka efter vad du verkligen vill göra. Börja sedan med en liten grund och betrakta den. Efter det, om du gillade idén, så kontaktar du personer som kan vara till hjälp med utvecklingen. (dvs. tvärtemot mina polare)
Hursomhelst, det viktigaste är att du verkligen vill göra spel, och att du försöker.
(To the english-speaking folks: It's allright to come out now. The arcane and scary language's gone and can't harm you.)
ps. spendera inte pengar i ett projekt, om du inte redan är övertygad om att du vill fortsätta.
Posted on 2001-08-21 10:51:19
Confluence är mitt livs projekt med ett par riktigt begåvade och motiverade vänner. Det är mest de solo-projekten jag aldrig lyckas med.
*once more, the arcane language shook the world with its complexity and beautiful rhymes. the world was never alike itself when the language was put to an end, in this message*
or something.. :) - ICQ 7698022
Posted on 2001-08-21 10:57:38
| The Questing?
If that's the case, I can only wish you good luck with Confluence.
Posted on 2001-08-21 14:56:25
...och inget liknande DWL eller dom där mindre teamen. Jag måste bara säga att du har haft en enorm tur med att få arbeta med människor som faktiskt GÖR något. :)
Själv så försöker jag desperat lära mig att programmera för GBA, och förhoppningsvis, börja släppa spel.
Var det förresten inte Confluence som skulle portas till just GBA?
*the people awaited. And suddenly, for the third time, the arcane language striked through the board with more power than brainfuck, and left a crowd of people with fear and no understanding about what's going on...*
ain't this pretty mystic? Mwhahaha!
Posted on 2001-08-21 15:27:21
I always lost interest in my VERGE projects. For example, I was happily making a game called "Dark Matter" before my friend came over and talked to me about it. He eventually convinced me into thinking that my plot would be stupid and boring. He then flushed the paper with the plot down the toilet. (literally)
-- The below paragraph does not have much to do with this post
I am going to KILL my game project that I am doing with a friend who is currently not helping (no offense but it's true) and hooked on Tiberian Sun: Firestorm. I dislike many things about this project and it would lead to my ultimate demise (getting rid of VERGE).
-- Below: Getting back on topic.
I want a team to keep my interest in a game project, but I also want one that will actually like VERGE.
It is faster and easier to damage something than it is to create or repair it. Isn't it?
Posted on 2001-08-21 15:41:34
And flushing the plot down in the toilet? Well, see for yourself. Only you can decide if you want to go on or not.
Posted on 2001-08-21 16:25:33
No crap. Flushing down a toilet? I mean, come on dude! I don't care how much of a friend i might have. If he woulda tried to pull a stunt like that one me, he would get a size 11 so far up his ass, he would be tasting leather for years.
I recently restarted a 'gaming company' I used to be part of, But we don't wanna focus just on verge. (I like verge alot myself, but this does make sense.) We wanna completely code our own things in addition, and use a few other engines. (Ohrrpgce comes to mind)
If any of you are interested, lemme know.
But we are just getting on our feet right now, so there isn't much order in things yet. Just fair warning.
SmokeDog, High Lord King of Redundancy!!!
[Enter Gratiutious and Profound signature file here.]
Posted on 2001-08-21 16:57:00
In order for me to keep my interest in any project, i need encouragement from my peers, or the insight an outsider can give me, or ispiration from stupid conversations. And even just straight up, good, old fashioned help. Otherwise i might lose track of time playing my voice backwards in sound forge.
Of course i don't usually play well with others. And i have a complete lack of artistic ability.
Posted on 2001-08-21 18:10:45
Ich spreche deutsch, aber das ist ganz unlogisch fuer mich. Mein detschsprach ist sehr furtchbar. Hoffentlich nehmann kann Deutsche verstanden. Dann ich wird der AffeKoenig. Ich bin unverwundbar. Ich bin ein Berliner.
*I speak german, but that is completely unlogical to me. My german speach is very horrible. Hopefully noone can understand german. Then I will become the monkey king. I am invincible. I am a jelly doughnut.*
I apoligize deeply for my horrible german.
Posted on 2001-08-21 18:34:03
Posted on 2001-08-21 19:24:08
whats my name mean? lol. I know Ulv means wolf but of what significance is the -er suffix. Or does it not mean anything? ...
Posted on 2001-08-21 23:37:55
Jo jag har haft tur, jag visste vilka jag ville ha dock.
Confluence ska inte portas, utan _skapas_ på GBA.
Det är nog ingen som helst idé att göra ett GBA spel själv såvida det inte är ett lätt pussel spel. Bara ett tips.
*blah blah arcane language blah blah mystique blah blah cyclops blah* - ICQ 7698022
Posted on 2001-08-22 05:29:24
Ulv is a kind of mythic wolf, not the normal one. The Ulv is far more wilder and has, according to Swedish mythology two tails instead of one.
Wolf is Varg in Swedish.
Ulver means nothing in Swedish.
Ulvar is the plural form for Ulv in Swedish.
Ulver might be plural form for Ulv in Norweigan.
:) - ICQ 7698022
Posted on 2001-08-22 05:34:37
It's a Team, not a 'Gaming Company'.
Unless you ARE registered as a company. :) - ICQ 7698022
Posted on 2001-08-22 05:39:31
Well, who knows if I quickly end it somehow or continue it. I'm just placing a big disclaimer over my projects, like Vecna said for VO:
There is absolutely no guarantee/there is little chance that a solo game will ever be finished by me. Since I get bored of the idea after 1% of the whole game. Therefor, never expect a game for me, thanks for reading. Game Over.
NOTE: This applies only to my solo projects/games. Confluence is well on its feet with hi-quality tiles and characters, music is daily worked on. Coding goes great, and is time-consuming. Story-writting and background stories and Confluence Gaiden III are on their way and we have a lot of that flesh on the skeleton of Confluence already. - ICQ 7698022
Posted on 2001-08-22 05:44:48
Posted on 2001-08-22 09:31:18
Well... For the moment, I'm with rpgking and DWL, so I'm pretty busy. Tell me more about your company, and I'll see if I could help you out with anything.
-- Winter Forest corp.
Posted on 2001-08-22 09:42:22
'company'? Well, can I call WF a company or a team? Nah, I get it. It's a copyrighted BRAND! yeah ^_^
Posted on 2001-08-22 09:44:08
Men så bra! Folk kommer att dregla över det! Yuuppie. Jag menar, kommer ni att sälja det, eller skicka ut det för gratis nerladdning?
*...I won't tell you. You're mean*
Posted on 2001-08-22 09:47:03