X,Y,Z modifiers on the sprite layer
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well, i must first of all confess that i am a complete newbie to verge so some of my questions may reak of it. so, pls bear with me and im sure that we can all get some good out of it.

This idea came to me today in math A block when i started to think of my friends java project. He made a program that draws a wire frame on the 3 axies. everytime you press a key, it either rotates or pans. an interesting first 3d project. although, it goofed. he made it move off on the z plane for some reason. this was all software.. it is to this end that i imagined hacking into the verge graphics engine to change a few things. IN the sprite layer, why not give it 3 planes of movment? this way, you could move the frame along the x,y and z all at the same time. at first, i imagined a 3d model running in the software but when you start to add in hundreds of polies, it slows down good. so, then it bloomed on me that instead of useing a model, use the same set of frames that i would for x.y animation. this way, when it moves down the z axis, it looks like it is shrinking when in effect it is moving away from the camera in a virtual 3d world. you could then program the map tiles to be set to their own variables. say as if they were above or below the character. then, it would move the character up and down the y plane as it is moving down the z. my friend has the code for this in java but making it animate the frames while doing this might be interesting. the plus side is that you could do 3d movment with a 2d engine and also display suido 3d effects..why not. would this work?

Conshape millennium: the fantasy edge

Posted on 2001-03-01 21:40:54


Although it's possible to code this functionality fully into vc right now (people have made 3d effects in verge towards the end of showing off), it'll be a while before optomized and stable 3d manipulation commands will be added to the engine: There are far more pressing things missing from v2 at the moment ;)


Sometimes, Ocham's Razor needs to be more like a scimitar...

Posted on 2001-03-03 20:24:19


well, the idea came from my friend as i said. it was all math based but the real issue is not creating the 3 planes (which only means adding one) but making the objects behave right. that and the planes on the sprite layer must be independant of the bglayers. there is also the business of programming each unit on the grid to a certain variable for terrain mapping overtop of the bg's. you know, hills and valleys where the terrain might appear above the character. if anyone would be willing to work with me on this, i would provide all the art that they would ever need.

Conshape millennium: the fantasy edge

Posted on 2001-03-05 03:19:00

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